So as most everyone knows, we're moving to Seattle. My last day of work is Thursday unless the hurricane comes and then who knows. No day off until Friday =(
On Tues night after I got off work we drove to NC for wedding stuff. This was the only chance we're going to have to go there before the wedding so we had to make sure everything was taken care of. We arrived about 4am Wed morning and at 8:30am we started our vendor meetings. Faye, our wedding planner, was amazing! She lined up back to back meetings that lasted until around 10pm. Nate and I had packed lunchables which we shamelessly assembled in front of one of the DJs. The next morning we drove home and then I started my final (yay) 7 day stretch of work. I am not working another job without weekends again.
Before work yesterday we went to go buy our wedding bands but apparently platinum has tripled in price so my affordable wedding band is not so affordable anymore. Nate is pretty flexible on his but still I hate paying so much for something when it was so much less a couple months ago.
We still haven't found a place to live but we have a good idea of what we want. Renting is very popular in Seattle so the places that we've liked are already taken. Everywhere we look already has a washer and dryer, but we really want to bring ours.
Has anyone ever traveled long-distance with cats or know what shipping a cat involves? I will feel bad sedating them but I think they will be too scared otherwise. That is my only concern with moving because we'll have movers to deal with everything else. It's going to be nice not dragging boxes up and down stairs!
I think that's all for now. The wedding planning is pretty much taken care except for invitations. We just can't order them until we have an address. The moving is fairly under control. The rings are not under control but I can always just get a solid band if we run out of time before we move to get the one that matches mine. There is not too much to be stressed about but my doctor won't refill my birth control until I go in to see him which I really don't have time for so my hormones are a little out of whack. I will be taking a week off. After I get to seattle. =)